Benefits Of Female Lumbar-pelvic Complex

Female lumbar-pelvic complex is a series of structures that supports the pelvic organs in a female body and gives it shape; these include the crura of the clitoris, labia majora, labia minora, bulb of vestibule (also known as vestibular bulb), urethral sponge (also known as perineal sponge), anterior vagina (also known as vaginal introitus), posterior vagina (also known as vaginal fornix), and rectum with anorectal canal leading to anal canal or anus.

Benefits of Female lumbar-pelvic complex

1.The female lumbar-pelvic complex keeps the vagina, uterus, and other pelvic organs in place.

The Female lumbar-pelvic complex rests in the pelvic cavity. The female lumbar-pelvic complex is composed of skin, fascia, muscle, tendons, ligaments, fat pads, blood and lymph vessels. The female lumbar-pelvic complex is located in the lower abdomen on either side between the hipbone (pubic bone) and sacrum. It consists of three major supporting components:

2.The female lumbar-pelvic complex helps to give shape to the female body.

The female lumbar-pelvic complex supports the pelvic organs in a female and gives it shape. The Female lumbar-pelvic complex also supports the urinary bladder which is a hollow organ that stores urine produced by the kidneys and releases it when urination occurs. The Female lumbar-pelvic complex also protects and shelters vital organs in the lower abdomen namely:

3.The female lumbar-pelvic complex is essential for sexual activities during sexual intercourse in both males and females.

The female lumbar-pelvic complex is essential for sexual activities during sexual intercourse in both males and females. For males, it helps to maintain an erection which enables penetration while females help a male to penetrate. The female lumbar-pelvic complex also helps to transfer semen into the vagina and ovaries in females that eventually leads to fertilization of the ova if any.

4.The female lumbar-pelvic complex allows for menstruation by supporting the uterus.

The female lumbar-pelvic complex allows for menstruation by supporting the uterus which is a major component in a women’s reproductive system especially during their monthly menstruation cycles.