Is Video Game Power The Key To Healthy Youth?

It’s no secret that video games are big business. In the U.S. alone, 165 million people play video games, and three-quarters of American households have at least one member who plays. With all this gaming going on, it’s no surprise that there’s a lot of interest in the effects of video games on health. Some worry that video games make us couch potatoes, while others believe that video games can be good for our health. So, what’s the truth?

The truth is that, like most things, video games can have both positive and negative effects on health. It all depends on how much time you spend playing and the types of games you play.

Let’s start with the positive effects of video games on health.

1. Video Games Can Improve Your Mental Health

Video games can have several positive effects on mental health. For example, video games can:

– Help reduce stress and anxiety

– Improve mood

– Increase social interaction

– Help you learn new skills

2. Video Games Can Improve Your Physical Health

Contrary to popular belief, video games can benefit your physical health. For example, video games can:

– Improve your hand-eye coordination

– Help you lose weight

– Help you get better sleep

3. Video Games Can Make You Smarter

Yes, you read that right. Video games can make you smarter. For example, video games can:

– Improve your memory

– Increase your problem-solving skills

– Help you learn new information more quickly

4. Video Games Can Improve Your Work Performance

Believe it or not, video games can help you perform better at work. For example, video games can:

– Improve your multitasking skills

– Increase your creativity

– Help you make better decisions

Now, let’s look at the adverse effects of video games on health.

1. Video Games Can Cause Health Problems

Like anything else, too much of a good thing can be bad for you. Spending too much time playing video games can lead to several health problems, including:

– Carpal tunnel syndrome

– Dry eyes

– Obesity

– Poor posture

2. Video Games Can Affect Your Sleep

If you spend too much time playing video games, it can affect your sleep. For example, you may find it harder to fall asleep or sleep less than you should. This can lead to several other health problems, including:

– Fatigue

– Anxiety

– Depression

3. Video Games Can Affect Your Relationships

If you spend too much time playing video games, it can affect your relationships. For example, you may find it harder to relate to other people or withdraw from social activities. This can lead to several other problems, including:

– Isolation

– Loneliness

– Conflict


In conclusion, video games are not just for entertainment anymore. They are being used innovatively to help children be more active and improve their mental and physical health. As the popularity of video games continues to grow, so do the opportunities to use them for good. Let’s make sure we take advantage of that.